Graduation Day
This was day one! Feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago.
Today, I graduate from pastry school! 6 months has come and gone way too fast for my liking, but you know what they say: "time flies when you're having fun." Ain't that the truth because it sure as hell was fun.
So here we are, 6 months later. What's different now then prior to this, you ask? I'll tell you. Lets bullet point it up and cue this song because no one likes an awkward silence.
• First and foremost, I have a TON of more hands on pastry experience under my belt.
• I've made dozens and dozens and dozens of new recipes I've never dared to try before.
• I've worked in a professional kitchen that happened to be one of my favorite bakeries on the planet.
• I'm more confident in my culinary-pastry skillz.
• I'm <politely> bossier in the kitchen with non-industry people, sorry not sorry. I can't help it! My sense of urgency has followed me.
• I've made 11 new friends! <cue awws>. I can't wait to see what each of these ladies do.
• I feel like a new and improved version of myself. Not that I've changed drastically, but that I've definitely grown for the better.
• I still have SO much more to learn and I'm hungry for more! #nailedthatpun Lets keep on keeping on!
One of the best things my chef said to me that I won't ever forget is: "just do it with confidence!" I remember the time she said this vividly. It was early into the program and I needed to flip over a large and in charge dessert. I was hesitating and expressed my fear of screwing it up. Her response was that very line so I followed her instructions, committing to it, whether I'd screw it up or not. Even if I did fail in that moment, (which I didn't for the record <brushes dirt off shoulder>), that advice can be used with anything in life, really. I'm grateful for it and all the other priceless advice my chef gave me.
I will miss San Francisco Cooking School and wish I could Groundhog Day this experience. It's been one hell of a ride from inspirational guest chefs, field trips to local amazing bakeries, baguette sword fights, tempering chocolate for days, making up a song for the 3 weeks of bread, pants fitting tighter than usual with no regrets, laughing at Graham's laugh, packing my freezer full of all the pastries, dancing while throwing flour, piping macarons until I wanted to gouge my eyes out, feeling like a boss with my classmates on bakery day, to surprising myself, but feeling very humbled while working at Tartine.
Hugs to all my supporters along the way. Now lets go raise a glass and eat some dessert!